Chapter 1
Created using Scrapblog, later acquired by Mixbook
License plate I saw made me think of my friend that recently moved away. We always sang together in harmony the Karaoke version of..
'Why Me, Lord' by Kris Kirstofferson.. listen here.
Smile on Saturday - Flowers in Pastels
do the wildflowers of nature count?
Update: my picture was disqualified due to the subject being too bright for the pastel theme... yeah, I agree.
Did you know that 10+10 and 11+11 are the same? It's true. That's because 10+10 is twenty and 11+11 is twenty too.
CrAzY Tuesday - "Flower(s) in Vertical Portrait Format"
Yet another popular theme-based group I participate in occasionally when there's time. Why not. Problem is this group is on UK time so it closes early for me. But if I planned ahead.. blah blah blah
finally got an ID on the purple wildflowers that are currently in bloom all around the property, wild aster.